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Ashley Gutierrez-Torres

VP of  Communications & Public Relations


Favorite FBLA Goal: 

Encourage members in the development of individual projects which contribute to the improvement of home, business and community.

Favorite FBLA Conference:

State Leadership Conference

Favorite Quote:

"We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community... Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own." - Cesar Chavez

More about Ashley

Ashley Gutierrez-Torres, a senior at Metro Tech High School is honored to be part of AZ FBLA State Officer team for the 2023-2024 school year. Throughout Ashley’s high school career she has worked on creating and spreading information to her community through social media. With her skills in public relations, Ashley was introduced to FBLA in her junior year as her chapter’s very own VP of Public Relations. With her work in her chapter, Ashley found a spark in marketing and was determined to continue to aim higher through FBLA. Ashley enjoys creating fantastical universes by writing; as a complete fiction fanatic she enjoys reading and writing in her free time. Through FBLA, Ashley discovered a new found passion for social media and its power to inform, continuing her uses in FBLA she has joined multiple community based programs to ensure her passion outreaches to many others. She plans on continuing her education through a University with Human Development/Family Studies and Marketing. Through Ashley’s 2023-2024 terms she aspires to reach members with a multitude of new opportunities that will benefit them in their post secondary paths for a better future.

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